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Official Logo

GFPS logoThe Bataan Peninsula State University-Gender and Development Focal Point Sytem’s official logo was designed in 2013 by Mr. Jan Adams D.Magtanong, a student of BPSU Dinalupihan Campus.  It was selected from eight (8) entries of BPSU employees and students when the GFPS launched a GAD Logo Design Contest in the summer of AY 2012-2013.  It was selected by Chairperson Remedios I. Rikken of the Philippine Commission on Women during the GAD Orientation in July 2013.

The male and female symbols represent gender equality which is first and foremost a human right.  The hands in the middle of the symbol represent the male and female population uniting and working together to achieve gender equality.  It also represents community spirit, which is one of the core values of BPSU.

All these symbols are set in an oval shape containing the laurel leaves, the ribbon and the letters “BPSU”, which are obviously lifted from the University seal.  This connotes that the GFPS lives by the ideals and core values of the University, and works in support of its mandates.



Center for Human Rights Education

On 14 September 2007, A Memorandum of Agreement was signed among The Commission on Human Rights (CHR), the Philippine Association of cfhreExtension Program Implementors, Inc (PAEPI), and the Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU).  The said MOA signing effectively started the establishment of a Regional Human Rights Education Center in BPSU.  A training of trainers was conducted in the December of 2007 in order to prepare the CHRE Technical Working Group for CY 2008.

The first milestone of the CHRE was the human rights training among members of the local police force and barangay peace officers and human rights action officers in the local government unit of Limay, Bataan.  This was followed by invitations from both the academic and outside communities to conduct seminars on sexual harassment, rights of the child, and basic human rights.  Since then, BPSU has continually moved for the mainstreaming of human rights in the four core functions of the University: instruction, research, extension and production.

The year 2009 catapulted the CHRE into a center recognized for its human rights education efforts.  For one, it was during this year when a regular radio program, entitled Usapang Makatao, went on-air on 06 January 2009 and was hosted by the BPSU CHRE Director Magdalena A. Abella as well as the other members of the TWG.  Guests were invited from time to time to shed light on vital issuances, programs and projects on human rights.

The CHRE also hosted in 2009 the Human Rights Roadshow Forum: Asan na Yan sa ASEAN? as requested by the Philippine Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism (PWG).  The Roadshow Forum was part of the PWG’s campaign to raise public awareness of ASEAN and its role in promoting and protecting the human rights of the people in the said region.

It was also in 2009 when the CHRE was institutionalized, and thus no longer required the tripartite agreement with PAEPI and CHR to continue its operations. 

For all these accomplishments, the CHRE was adjudged Second in Best Practices for Human Rights Education in 2008 during the First Biennial National Convention and General Assembly conducted on October 27-29, 2008 in Cagayan de Oro City.  Commendations were also given by the CHR Regional Office III and the Office of the BPSU President for the untiring and passionate dedication of the CHRE TWG.

The CHRE continued to hold relevant and deceivingly simple activities and projects, inspite of the absence of clear funding support.  Notwithstanding, it was once again commended in 2011 by a study conducted by the Commission on Human Rights and the UP National College of Public Administration and Governance as one of the SUCs with Best Practices on HRE through its radio program. To address this, the unit formally collaborated with the GAD core persons in 2012; thus coming up with a Modified Plan and Budget that would incorporate and jibe with the GAD Plan and Budget of the University from then on.

GAD Focal Point System

GFPS logoIn compliance and support to the international communities and national government’s thrust of upholding women empowerment, BPSU has been submitting its annual GAD Plan and Budget since 1995 to the Philippine Commission on Women (then the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women), way before the former was converted into a University.

With the passing of the Republic Act 9710, otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women, in 2009, more specific GAD policies were implemented through various government circulars and orders.  BPSU continued to comply with government requirements.  However, the GAD Plan and Budget was submitted for compliance’s sake only.  Its preparation was vested in merely two members of the Presidential Staff.  Implementation of the PPAs was not properly monitored and evaluated.

In order to address this, the two GAD core persons, who were also members of the CHRE at that time, proposed a formal collaborative tie-up with the CHRE.  The partnership meant that the CHRE and GAD plans would flawlessly intertwine, and would utilize the mandatory GAD budget allocation to finance the PPAs.  The CHRE group would then work in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the plan.  Then later in 2012, with the issuance of Joint Circular No. 2012-01, the CHRE and GFPS reorganized themselves and came up with its current setup.  In order to identify the University’s priority areas of concern in terms of GAD mainstreaming, the GFPS-CHRE conducted a research study and used the results for its GAD Planning and Budgeting.

In 2013, BPSU seriously began its capacity development series of activities.  Under the direct guidance of PCW Chairperson Remedios I. Rikken, the GAD Orientation was conducted in July among GFPS-CHRE members, and select officials and frontliners.  This was followed in October with the Gender Sensitivity Training, and the Training of Trainers in February 2014.  Fully equipped with the technical skills, the GFPS-CHRE began to roll out training to academic community members, and began to submit crucial plans and reports to CHED and PCW.

Suffice to say that the BPSU CHRE and GFPS, unquestionable in their commitment to educate and empower the people about rights-based equality and development, continue to work side by side toward the attainment of a community that truly cares for and protects human life and dignity.  By 2021, the University envisions to be recognized as a GAD Resource Hub in the region and the country.

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