STMF on Mango Production in Pampanga
Hits: 4401To establish relation to the other agencies/ institution, BPSU will cater the development of the community in all aspects. The project entitled Science and Technological Model FARM (STMF) on Mango Production in Pampanga is having a cooperating Agencies like DOST-PCAARRD, LGU- Pampanga and ZOOCOBIA/ Paradise Park, the later will be the beneficiary of the said project once completed.
The general objective of this project is to showcase the economic advantages of applying the recommended S&T interventions into a commercial scale of mango farm. Specifically, the project aims: 1) To promote wider a d o p tion of the recommended S&T interventions on mango through the STMF modality 2) To capacitate the private cooperator and adopters on improved crop management and practices on mango production 3) To strengthen institutional convergence for the promotion of the S&T interventions on mango production.
The pre-implementing activities in which the project team should be carried out include the people who will work as one team for one target goal at the end. The local team responsible in the implementation of the STMF project will be formed before the start of the project. The Local STMF Team. Project Leader: Dr. Hermogenes Paguia from BPSU, Technical Expert, Dr. Oscar Opina Private Cooperator, Mr. Lino Besa (Operations Manager, Zoocobia) DOST-III representative, Mr. Wilfredo Sibal Project Support Staff, Mr. Nomer Veruya and Ms. Monaliza.Rodriguez.
Marketing as heart of the activity to realize the positive cost and return analysis will be assisted to link the produced to the institutional buyer in Clark or export market. The market outlet should be made available a month before harvest. Nevertheless, the farm also intends to explore the product development like production of herbs enriched dried mango and juice to be sold in the farm’s market outlet. Assistance will be sourced out from DOST for value -adding process and packaging. Branches and sister company of the said park are potential markets of its fresh and processed mangoes.
A Farmer’s Field Project in Science and Technology Model Farm on Mango Production in Pampanga was executed last February 17, 2017 at Dropzone, Brgy. Dolores, Mabalacat City, Pampanga.
Dr. Hermogenes M. Paguia, Kristine Joy G. Roque, and Maricel A. Javier undertook and organized the field project. There is a total of 101 beneficiaries which consist of 83 males and 18 females who took part on the said project. The field project offered knowledge and skills through the use of science and technology in farming especially in mango production.
By: Riza Izon Delos Reyes